
Showing posts from September, 2022

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecologic cancer in the United States and causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. This September let's educate ourselves on the signs and risks that come with it as well as the precautions we can undertake. Find the best physician near me. We provide the best physician near you . If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of our doctors, please call the at 352-688-8116 .  

Important Information About Intermittent Fasting - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Intermittent fasting is a meal plan that switches between fasting and meals at regular times. Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular health trends of the past decade. Some people swear by the eating pattern, finding that it helps them manage their appetite and weight and supports optimal health. Still, intermittent fasting may not be right for everyone – either for medical reasons or because it doesn't match their picture of a nutritious and sustainable diet. This can help you decide if you want to do intermittent fasting for your health and happiness. For more information, you can search general physicians near you . If you need help selecting a doctor, call the general physician's referral service at 352-688-8116 .

Uses Of CRISPR Technology - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

If you are interested in science and technology, you have probably heard of CRISPR technology. CRISPR is a powerful technique, which regularly clusters short palindromic repeats, which helps in editing the genome. In simple words, it helps researchers and scientists to alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. CRISPR is set to revolutionize medicine, with the potential to cure many genetic diseases , including neurodegenerative diseases, blood disorders, cancer, and eye disorders. CRISPR technology has many applications in different domains. Whether it is to prevent the spread of disease, correct genetic defects, or improve crop growth, tools have been used everywhere. It was adapted through the natural defense mechanisms of archaea and bacteria, both of which are single-celled microorganisms.

Medicare Risk Adjustment Tip: Personality Disorders

A personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by long-lasting, pervasive, disruptive patterns of thinking, behavior, mood, and belonging to others. These internal experiences and behaviors often differ from the expectations of the culture in which one lives. Find the best primary care doctor near you . Access Health Care Physicians, LLC Primary care physicians act as your first line of care and provide care for your wide variety of medical needs.  

How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout? - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Being a caregiver for a loved one is more than just a responsibility; it's a lifestyle—one that can be equally exhausting as it is rewarding, of course, every caregiving journey is different, but there are many similarities in the challenges that caregivers face daily. What is Caregiver Burnout? Caregiver Burnout occurs when the physical and emotional stress of taking care of a loved one reaches an all-time high. Many people may not even be aware that there is an actual term for this condition. However, Caregiver Burnout is very common among those who have experienced taking care of a loved one for a long time. If you are currently a caregiver, there are some warning signs you should be mindful of. If you find yourself experiencing any of these, it is highly recommended that you seek help and talk to a doctor. Some red flags for Caregiver Burnout are: Changes in Appetite (Either Eating Less or Eating Excessively), Feelings of Hopelessness, Anxiety, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating...

Chocachatti Elementary’s MicroSociety Program - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

We have got some exciting news to share! Access Health Care Physicians is proud to now have a part in Chocachatti Elementary’s MicroSociety Program. The school’s brand new Access Mini Medic Clinic will serve as an inspirational environment for students to learn skills including CPR, first aid, and much more. Stay tuned to learn more about Chocachatti’s hands-on learning approach through the MicroSociety Program and how it inspires future healthcare workers in a fun and unique way.  Looking for a general physician near or specialist near you? Our general physician, primary care, and specialty providers believe that health isn't just the absence of sickness, but an ongoing pursuit to reach your true potential.

Primary Care Specialist Near Me - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Primary care plays a central role in the healthcare delivery system of the United States. Compared to primary care services that include prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic services, secondary care services (hospitalization, consultation & routine surgery) and tertiary care services (trauma and burn treatment) are more complex and specialized, and the types of care are further distinguished according to duration, frequency, and level of intensity. Find a primary care doctor or call our referral service to get started with an available doctor near you. Primary care doctors 352-688-8116.

Staying Safe During the Holidays - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

As fun and memorable as the holidays are, it's no secret that they tend to induce an increased level of stress. Add in a tiring year due to a global pandemic, and that typical stress can easily transform into anxiety or depression. Planning enjoyable, yet safe, celebrations this year can be tricky, but even with social distancing guidelines and other necessary precautions, there are ways to enjoy the holidays while still ensuring your safety. Opt for a Smaller Gathering:- Gathering in large groups can increase the chance of spreading COVID-19 and other illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends limiting the number of guests, so consider celebrating with those you live with only. Keeping your circle small will decrease your chance of exposure and allow you to social distance properly. Host a Virtual Celebration:- Technology has provided opportunities for connection during this pandemic. With Zoom calls, FaceTime, and other methods of video chatting,...

How Kindness Improves Your Health? - Access Health Care Physician, LLC

Kindness has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy, and compassion, and improve mood. It can lower blood pressure and cortisol, a stress hormone, which directly affects stress levels. People who give themselves in a balanced way also tend to be healthier and live longer. Kindness can increase your sense of contentedness with others, which can directly affect loneliness, improve low mood, and enhance relationships in general. It can also be contagious. Looking for ways to show kindness can give you a focus activity, especially if you tend to become anxious or stressed in certain social situations. If you need general practitioner and mental health support near me , call 352-688-8116 to get started on your best life path today. Visit Access Health Care Physician, LLC is open Mon to Fri in Spring Hill, FL from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Gratitude allows us to gain certainty, even when it seems we have nothing. It also gives you peace, when you are able to see who is in your life even if you believe alone. Gratitude allows you to pass on the goals you have set for yourself, to be who you are today, and to enjoy who you are. You do not have to be a scientist to recognize that negative thoughts affect your mood. They create anger, frustration, depression, and anxiety. Unfortunately, thinking and speaking negatively can easily become a habit, which eventually becomes a lifestyle. When you are grateful for your health, you appreciate your body by making healthy choices and taking care of yourself. When you are grateful for the relationships and friendships in your life, you nurture them and create positive memories together. Gratitude can change your outlook and make you think in healthier ways than you could not before. We have Primary Care physicians, General physicians , and Medical physicians all types of Doctors avail...

Find a Doctor & Doctors Near Me - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

During a stroke, time is of the essence. Call emergency services and get to the hospital immediately. A stroke can cause loss of balance or unconsciousness, which can result in a fall. If you think someone near you may have had a stroke, the first thing to do is to call emergency services. If you have stroke symptoms, have someone else call for you. Stay as calm as possible while you wait for emergency help. If you are caring for someone who has had a stroke, make sure they are in a safe, comfortable position. If they are not breathing, do CPR. If they are having difficulty breathing, loosen any tight-fitting clothing, such as a tie or scarf. Are you searching for a top-ranked best Surgeon, Physician, or Specialist doctor near me ? Call Access Health Care Physicians, LLC today!

Blood Donation Myths Debunked - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Access Health Care Physicians, LLC provides the blood donation service in Spring Hill, FL. Ever considered donating blood? Don't let any misconceptions hold you back! Read on as we debunk common myths about blood donation. Medical science and myths have a long history. Similarly, the myths about blood donation are widespread, which keep people from participating in something that has the ability to save many lives. Ever considered donating blood? Don't let any misconceptions hold you back! Read on as we debunk common myths about blood donation. Find the best General Physician near me & make an appointment online instantly! Our General Physician doctors treat patients of all ages. Please call (813) 821–8038 and our official website.

The Difference between IPA and MSO?

What is the main point of dissimilarity between an IPA (Independent Providers’ Association) and an MSO (Management Service Organization)? There seems to be a lot of confusion and the two terms are often used interchangeably. An IPA is a coming together of providers to collectively provide health plans with the opportunity to connect with multiple practices at the same time notwithstanding that participation is voluntary and negotiations may be separate between each practice and the plan. There are special "safety zone" rules that allow certain communications between competing practices and the use of a common IPA or consultant that IPA members can take advantage of collective bargaining or even communications without a proper IPA vehicle and appropriate procedures can create serious anti-trust issues and should be avoided. An IPA is a contracting entity – it holds managed care contracts and develops a provider network to service the contract. An MSO is an organization that im...

Trends in Healthcare: An Estimate and a Summary

Healthcare in the United States has slowly but surely been moving in a new direction over the last decade in a subtle but unmistakable manner. On the surface, this does not seem to be a radical shift. The US continues to suffer from a political impasse and an economic plateau. Yet, it seems to me that, under our very eyes, a quantum shift in healthcare in our country might be taking place. Only time will tell if these changes will be pursued to the very end. But at least conceptually, we are seeing a transformation in the paradigm of healthcare delivery and management. You can find a primary care doctor near you . We have all types of doctors like Primary Care physicians, General physicians, Primary Care physicians, and General physicians. You can also find out more about our doctor here. You can also see the list of doctors on our website. These are some of the trends developing over the last few years that seem to be of significance: 1. Accountability: Under the old fee-for-service ...

Medicare Risk Adjustment Tip: Cancer - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Most often, cancer is diagnosed when doctors discover the spot where cancer began (the primary tumor). There are several factors involved in the proper diagnosis of active cancer , history of cancer, and primary vs. secondary cancer.  

Technology and the Future of Healthcare - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Healthcare technology, also known as healthcare technology, is any IT tool or software designed to improve hospital and administrative productivity, deliver new insights into medications and treatments, or improve the overall quality of care provided refers to. The healthcare industry is constantly looking for better technology and methods of therapy in almost every possible area. A new era of healthcare technology ! With Dialer Video, you can easily connect with your doctor without leaving your home!