Vascular Study - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Vascular studies are often performed by doctors in response to symptoms that point to cardiac issues, such as swelling or numbness in the extremities. Vascular ultrasound uses sound waves to evaluate the body's circulatory system and helps identify blockages in arteries and veins and detect blood clots. A technique that evaluates blood flow through a blood vessel is usually part of this test. Ultrasound does not use ionizing radiation, has no known harmful effects, and provides images of soft tissues that are not visible on X-ray images. Vascular study or arterial Doppler uses ultrasound to take pictures and videos of our veins and arteries. These tests generally require no preparation and are painless with no side effects. The technician will place an acoustic gel over the area to be studied, and then slide the ultrasound wand over the area to take video and still images for the doctor to review. Your doctor will discuss your results at a follow-up appointment.


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